Monday, July 13, 2009

Good morning!  Quick update this morning as I am running a tad late getting up to the hospital.  Katie is coming home today from the hospital, its going to be tough for her, but the babies are in such great hands and they will be just fine.  She'll have plenty of trips to see and be with them!  We are hoping she gets released early this afternoon.

Last night we went down to the NICU just in the middle of all the touch times and Matt was getting a bath from the nurse!  He was all unhooked and Katie got to hold him for a few minutes as the nurse was changing his bedding.  What a treat!  This is the best picture I got of the little guy, right out of the bathtub!  He LOVED the bath!

Then it was Claire's turn!  She didn't jump in the bathtub but she did get out and Katie got to hold her for the first time for about 30 minutes in the glider.  She was just an angel and content listening to mommy "coo" and "ahhh" all over her!  It really was an awesome time and a great site to see her finally in Katie's arms.  WOW!

OK, I gotta throw one in here of the other big guy, Drew!  He loved his bath too and just was zonked out last night.  He is doing great.  They doubled the amount they are feeding them now during each feeding, that is helping with pooping and packing on the weight!  They are digesting each feeding just fine as well.  Here is Drew in the "Yeah, I'm Cool!" position!  Just chillin'!

Time to go, I will update the blog and maybe get some pictures up on the net tonight when I get Katie home and settled!  We hope everyone is doing well!


Todd, Katie, Claire, Drew and Matt!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update and a glimpse of your time with them.. what a blessing.. Praying for mom, as today will be hard.
    Here is a message from one of our prayer team members...
    "My goodness! What joy! Have looked at the "blog" and tears just swelled!
    As tiny as they look - they all look so healthy and strong! God's watching
    over them! So precious. Congratulations to ALL 5 of them! --Carol"
    ******** many prayer.. Chad and Stephanie w/ Hand in Hand and Nursery at FC
