Thursday, July 16, 2009

We had a birthday party!!!

Three little babies turned 1 week old today and we had a birthday party this afternoon!  Woo Hoo!  No cake or ice cream just breast milk and formula, all you can eat!!  The only takers we had were Claire, Drew and Matt and they LOVED it!

Tara got the babies out of the isolette and Katie, Judy and I got to hold them for a really long time.  It was great!  Katie had Matt, Judy had Drew and I got Claire.  They all got fed and then it was time for pictures!  Check out the picture of Mommy, Mimi and Daddy holding the babies!

We then got them all hooked together and Katie and I were able to hold all three at once!  What an awesome treat.  I was so cool to see Katie holding her babies.   She did such a great job growing them, its hard to imagine they were all inside of her!  Is this one proud Mommy or what!?!?!?

Then it was daddy's turn!  Having both of those boys cradled in my arms was so awesome, then Tara put that little girl on me!  So cool!

This little girl is just an angel.  Goodness she is spoiled rotten already and she is only a week old!!  Claire looks so cute in and around all the pink stuff.  She is so dainty!

The babies are making great progress every day.  Matt has his IV out of him now and Drew only has a feeding tube in him now.  The doctors continue to just pile on and add to each feeding for all the babies.  They are all at least at or past their birth weight now.  We're just praying that they get their breathing down and do not have any bad breathing episodes in the future.

Katie is doing great.  She is getting along real well and slowly getting off the pain medicine.  The pumping is going good too, she is doing a great job keeping up with the pretty intense schedule that it takes to provide enough milk for these three!!

Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers for our family!


Todd, Katie, Drew, Matt and Claire


  1. Maddie and I refresh this page all day every day waiting for new pics, so thank you! You guys are one beautiful family, that's for sure.
    Hope we get to see you and Katie soon! (Maddie is fairly desperate to see Aunt Katie at this point....she asks about you guys constantly)
    We're so happy for you!!
    <3 xoxox Carol and Maddie

  2. you guys are killing us!!! We can't wait to see them! How great does Momma look!? Glad to see they are doing so well - they are too adorable! They change so much from week to week - enjoy now b/c they will be 9 years old before you know it!
